Timelines depend on the scope of the projects. A logo and style guide can take a few weeks to finalize and be done simultaneous to a website project. A full rebranding with a name change can take two to three months, depending on the speed of the decision makers.
Options include: -Proposal of names and taglines -Brand positioning -Mission and vision statements -Brand psychology: one-on-one interviews, strategic plan, brand analysis, presentation to stakeholders -Communications or messaging frameworks -Logo mockups & final design in varying colors -Updated visual identity & brand guidelines
Dedication and flexibility are key. No one knows your organization better than you do. This process takes teamwork and lots of decision-making!
As your nonprofit grows and matures, so should your brand. You’ve evolved since your founding;
Your logo communicates your mission, both inside your nonprofit and in your community.
To keep your nonprofit’s identity true to your mission, your branding must be clear.
How else can you spread your mission around the world? Give your community brand collateral to show off their support.